Tuesday 2 October 2012

Day 6 & Post Trip!

你好!Which also means hello or a general greeting in Mandarin, the most frequent language the Taiwanese speak. We woke up to the morning call at 6.30am today, and also to the last day we're gonna be in Taiwan...  After which, we headed down for breakfast (same breakfast which we had for the past 2 days) and off we go to the National Palace Museum! It was an hour's ride to the Museum, and so guess what most of us did on the ride there? 

Yes, most of us K.O and headed back to dreamland! 

A little more information on the National Palace Museum before I start talking about our visit there. The National Palace Museum (Chinese: 國立故宮博物院) is an art museum in Taipei City. It has a permanent collection of 693,507 pieces of ancient Chinese artifacts and artworks!!! WOW, can you imagine the amount! But it's a pity because we're not supposed to snap any pictures of any artifacts there. However, here's some pictures of the more famous artifacts we found on the net for you! (Credits: Wikipedia)

The Zong Zhou Zhong (Bell of Zhou)

Jadeite Cabbage

Meat-shaped pork!

Yes, although we're not allow to take any photos of the artifacts in the Museum,  here's some picture of the exterior of the Museum and some corners of it! Oh and also one unique and special point that the Museum has is that we are not suppose to make noise in the museum. Thus, all of us will be given a headphone which we will be able to hear our tour-guide explaining the artifacts to us through the headphone itself! What a brilliant idea isn't it. Probably RP should adapt to that learning method too ;)  P/S: We tried our best to snap as many pictures as possible, forgive us!

See how crowded it is!

Up next was a visit to the Memorial hall where we had a chance to witness the soldiers changing shift! It was indeed very eye-opening as they were very strict and the way they march is just... wow you will be impressed! Pictures will definitely do the talking better! 

Look at how straight they are!!!

Group photo of us at the memorial hall! 
Yes, we made the memorial hall filled with more memories, HAHAHA.

Can you hear that? Yes... It's our stomach growling. Lunch time was next!!! We had our lunch at a restaurant near to the airport, for our own convenience since we will be leaving Taiwan soon... (spams sad face) The dishes were YUM YUM, and I must say Taiwan food is rather similar to Singapore food so we didn't had problem adapting to it. Warning, the next photo might cause your stomach to growl!

Ok... maybe the picture doesn't look that appetizing.
BUT trust me, it taste like 10 times better than it looks. Don't judge!

 After that, we made our way to the Taiwan Tao Yuan International Airport and did our group check in and weighing of our luggage! Indeed, there was a huge difference in our luggage weight. Shows how much everyone loves shopping! Having mixed feelings when we bid good-bye to our tour guides and entered the boarding gate..... The feeling of not wanting to leave Taiwan, yet wanting to be back in Singapore. Argh. Can someone get me back to Taiwan already?!

After 4.5 hours of flight, HOME SWEET HOME!
We bid goodbye to our facilitators, to our friends, and back to the embrace of our family members.

Nothing feels better than being home, but surely, Taiwan will be missed!


I'm sure initially, all of us felt very worried about the trip. Perhaps it could be over different things (eg: Will the food be nice? Will I be home-sick? Can I clique with this different group of friends? Will the attraction I visit be interesting?) But I believe everyone threw their worries away after 6D5N of fun with each other! I believe everyone enjoyed themselves be it by making new friends, trying to live in different accommodation, trying out different kind of food that Singapore does not offer, learning the Taiwan culture and comparing it with Singapore. Who else misses Taiwan like I do? Please raise your hand! Ok that was lame HAHAH kidding! 

Back to being serious.

Indeed, the trip not only allowed us to learn more about their local culture, but also allowed us to experience different life like how we do back here in Singapore. Let me recap you with the different things that we experience that is soooooooooo different as compared to life here in Singapore!

  • We stayed in a leisure farm resort! (Tell me, do you stay in a farm in SG?!?!)
  • We made our own Sky Lantern and release them to the Sky! (You probably will get fine for this)
  • We set our own fireworks!! (Something that you will NEVER be able to do in SG)
  • We learn how to do kilning and how to cook sweet potato without charcoal!  
  • We experienced hot spring VIA bath tub there!
See how much we've experienced? I'm sure though some of us felt a little awkward with each other at the start, we gradually grew to become closer and closer. I dare to say, each of us made at least 5 friends in this trip! So we not only learn, we gain friends, we widen our circle of friends, and we bond! To wrap up the entire trip, it was indeed a awesome one! Of course, we have to thank our facilitators, the tour company and everyone else who made this possible!

So thank you Ms Irene Low, Mr Lee Wei, Mr Chris Quah, Ms Karen Wong & Transinex!

And thank you to each and everyone of us who attended the DCRSM SOT Taiwan Trip 2012!

You guys are greatly missed!
Let's keep in contact with each other and meet up often!


I guess that wraps up our entire Taiwan trip!
If you want to find out more about our trip and more interesting juicy news,
keep a look out for your email as we will be doing a presentation in school when school reopens!


Team 6 signing off!