Wednesday 26 September 2012

Day 2: Relax and Enjoy life

Schedule for the day
- Morning call at 6.30am
- Breakfast at 730am
- Nature walk from 830am to 11plus am.
- Back to room to pack up
- Lunch
- DIY session
- Leaving Tou-cheng Farm Resort and head to Beautiful Inn

The friendly but tired dog named Huang-Jin @ Tou-Cheng Farm Resort

Getting ready to learn about the Nature walk

The guide introucing the Nature Park to us

The boots that are offered to us to prevent us from slipping

Rare green snail that can only be found in Taiwan

The interesting flower that if we were to touch the center of the part, it would move

Water buffalo and we can feed it!

The goats that we are can feed them using the leaves provided

The chinese-speakiing local guide showing us the different types of butterflies

The rice padding

The kiln that the local guide demonstrated how to build it


Getting ready for the DIY session

The local guide explaining how to do the DIY

The beautiful inn

One of the bathtub installed in one of the rooms

The cake and tea that the owner prepared to welcome us as she speaks

The scenery at the Min-su

Supper that was prepared for us by the owner of the min-su

In generally, we had a great time and we were really happy when we saw reached the Beautiful Inn. The farm resort didn't had beds and we had to sleep on the floor with 11 persons in a room. But it is for groups. I would strongly recommend people who love nature and wish to learn more about the nature to go to the farm resort. This is because I had a great time learning about the nature and seeing things that we wouldnt see in Singapore.

The beautiful inn that we are in now, i would strongly recommend people who wish to enjoy the spring to come. The service here is also very great. When we first reached, the owner even came out to receive us. The owner is very nice too. She would make sure that everyone of us is taken care of. The people here are very friendly too.

If I am being asked if I would like to return to Beautiful Inn and Farm Resort, I would probably say yes.

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