Saturday 29 September 2012

Taipei Trip Day 5

Today's weather was perfectly awesome, so perfectly awesome that it made us so regretful. Why? Because...

The weather forecast showed that it would rain today, and it had been raining for the past few days as well. And because of that, our THEME PARK TRIP WAS CANCELLED. CANCELLED I TELL YOU, SIGH SO MUCH SIGH. And along with a change in the itinerary. HOWEVER, we had longer time to sleep in, having morning call at 8.30 am instead of the usual 6.30 am. 

So we got up at 8.30 am, had breakfast at Ferrary Restaurant, okay no it's just the hotel's restaurant on the second floor. We had the same breakfast as yesterday.

Breakfast for the day
Moving on, we left the hotel at about 10.30 am, and off we went to 御品轩 (Yu Pin Xuan) Bakery. The Sun Biscuits there, are delicious and many people purchased it. It's a must buy local delicacy when you come to Taiwan. You will not regret and it is definitely worth the buy. 

Sun biscuit on the right
We had something new and different for lunch today as compared to the past few days as we went to a Halal restaurant named Yunus Halal Restaurant. It was yet another feast, serving up to 11 dishes which contained with dishes such as seafood, veggies, meat and soup along with a dessert, Bubur Hitam.

Mr Chris Quah after a filling lunch
A picture of team 5 with the friendly manager
 After that, we set for Tamsui and it is a peaceful part of Taiwan, where the breathtaking scenery is accompanied by squally wind, along with a little sunshine, such a perfect place for couples to go to. We heard that it's even more romantic at night due the the lights on the bridge in the darkness. Crossing the bridge together as a couple, and taking pictures at the huge "love sign" at the start of the Tamsui's bridge.

Lover's bridge scenary

After which, we went to Tamsui's village. At Tamsui's village, there are 2 local delicacies that are a must try there, one black and one white. the back one is called iron egg where chicken/quail eggs are being cooked for a very long time till it shrinks and all the taste had been absorbed and kept in. It is very chewy and special, nothing like in Singapore. The white one would be fish balls as Tamsui is a fishing port, hence their captures are fresh to make a good fish ball. There are also many other stuff to buy there, such as the Jumbo Ice-Cream and the Tornado Potato on a stick.

Jumbo ice-cream stall

As for dinner, we went to another Halal restaurant that's just 2 shops down from the place that we had lunch at for this afternoon, called Bismilla Restaurant. Serving up to 11 dishes along with LOBSTERSSSSSSSS!!! Mmmmm... Delicious! What a meal to end with to start for our 2nd trip to Shilin Night Market, this time we had 2 hours to shop! 

Lastly, we headed back to the hotel and had a good rest. However, before we rest, we still have to pack all our hauls into our luggage (hopefully everybody is able to fit their buys nicely into their luggage). It's time to check out tomorrow and soon enough, we'll be heading back to Singapore around noon of the next day!

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